Call Of Duty 4 Level 55 Download


Hi.can someone tell me how to do this trick on win7?, it doesnt work like Xp or Vista. And its really annoying to lvl up again. The trick consisted in: 2.

Go to Start - Run- Type regedit - Hit Enter. Go to HKEYLOCALMACHINE - Software - Activision - Call of Duty 4 4. Double-click codkey 5. Save the key in notepad 6. Replace the key with: DL2J8PY44Q22GE4888D2 (it doesnt change inside the game and display an error of 'stadistic' IN WIN7) 7. Press OK and close regedit.

Navigate to your Call of Duty 4 profile folder (typically “C: Program Files Activision Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare players profiles yourusername”) 9. Back-up and then remove all the files in your user name folder. Place the mpdata file you downloaded in your user name folder 11.

Open the COD4 MP game and check your rank. You should now be level 55 with all challenges, guns, and every camouflage unlocked! Finally, in the game go to Options - Multiplayer Options - Key Code and type your original cd key you have saved in notepad. You now should have a level 55 and everything should be unlocked for your use.

Download and unzip the attached mpdata file. Navigate to your Call of Duty 4 profile folder. You should now be level 55 with all challenges.

CAN SOMEBODY HELP PLX? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. I'm not sure how to do this as I never used this before. However, I do know that there are servers that give you 100x exp or more for each enemy you kill/objective you complete. I'm not too sure they're legal servers though, but I've seen them as I Refresh the main lobby.

Good luck.If you don't patch the game and play on the earlier version and join servers, there's some that give so much XP you go up like 10 levels a kill or something ridiculous. They stopped them though in the newer versions.

Hi.can someone tell me how to do this trick on win7?, it doesnt work like Xp or Vista. And its really annoying to lvl up again. The trick consisted in: 2. Go to Start - Run- Type regedit - Hit Enter. Go to HKEYLOCALMACHINE - Software - Activision - Call of Duty 4 4. Double-click codkey 5. Save the key in notepad 6.

Replace the key with: DL2J8PY44Q22GE4888D2 (it doesnt change inside the game and display an error of 'stadistic' IN WIN7) 7. Press OK and close regedit. Navigate to your Call of Duty 4 profile folder (typically “C: Program Files Activision Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare players profiles yourusername”) 9. Back-up and then remove all the files in your user name folder.

Place the mpdata file you downloaded in your user name folder 11. Open the COD4 MP game and check your rank. You should now be level 55 with all challenges, guns, and every camouflage unlocked! Finally, in the game go to Options - Multiplayer Options - Key Code and type your original cd key you have saved in notepad. You now should have a level 55 and everything should be unlocked for your use. CAN SOMEBODY HELP PLX?

THANK YOU IN ADVANCEyou cant add that registry because windows 7 puts the that key in a different location, open regedit and search for cod4, and then change the key. Similar help and support threads Thread Forum I started to get interested in playing Call of Duty, and I'm wondering if this game will hurt my SSD drive? I also have 16 GB of Ram and if this game will hurt my SSD drive, how can I get this game to totally play in RAM? Gaming:roflmao: CyCyzB0CedM Chillout Room Do I need a graphics card to run Call of duty 4?

3gb ram 2.7 dual processor intel pentium intel GMA X4500HD windows 7 home premium Gaming Hey people, i have tried this and it makes it bearable. Give it a bash, personally i am going to wait for the patch.

Gaming I've tried everything, Admin, XP compatibility, both. Singe player starts fine (with admin). Gaming Hello everyone, I am getting this error, it happens multiple times even after reboot when I try to start CoD MW2.

Call Of Duty 4 Level 55 Download Profile

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