The Deity And The Sword Pdf Reader


The Scriptures 2009 Copyright© 1993 – 2015 by the Institute for Scripture Research (ISR). All rights reserved. Please note that The Scriptures 2009 is not in the public domain.

Please refer to the copyright at the bottom of this Preface Please click here if you wish to make a donation: PREFACE WHY ANOTHER TRANSLATION? There have been many fine translations of the Scriptures which, over the years, have been such a wonderful source of blessing to so many. Yet the multitude of choices between available translations is in itself a source of confusion for many. Which translation is truly the Word of the Most High? Don’t some translations appear to outrightly contradict the reading of certain other translations? Is it really necessary, one may ask, to add yet another one?

Does Adventism teach the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity? Or do they just use the term and redefine it, denying the actual doctrine? Find out for yourself. Uniformity with God's Will (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf, text, audio; pdf also here; or read online here; or audiobook here: part 1, part 2, or here. The Treatise on the Love of God (St. Francis de Sales) – read online; or pdf here; or audiobook here. The Sword of Saint Michael: Saint Pius V (L. Browne-Olf) – pdf.

The reality is that the inspired Word of the Almighty is not represented adequately in any translation or version made by human beings (including this one!), for the best translation only represents the sincere and prayerful attempt by human beings to render the Word of the Creator into a receptor language which ultimately has its origins at the Tower of Baḇel, and words in one language do not have a one-to-one correspondence with words in any other language. The Scriptures are, after all, those words which were originally breathed out by the very Creator Himself. While we definitely believe in the overriding hand of Providence in the transmission of the Scriptures (Rom. 3:2; 9:4,5), no sincere translator (or board of translators) would ever be so pompous as to assert that his or her translation is the very Word of the Almighty himself! Approaching the task of Scripture translation from different backgrounds, environments, cultural mindsets, etc.

Inevitably affects the end result. Those with no access to the original language of Scripture become entirely dependent on whichever translations are in their hands. Apart from taking steps to get to grips with the original languages of the Scriptures (something that we would earnestly encourage every genuine student of the Scriptures to do), the only other recourse they have is to acquire and compare as many translations/versions of the Scriptures as possible. This way something, however small, may be grasped, of the multifaceted depth of the original. Thus there remains a real need for further translations which will help to bring forth yet further elements from the original tongue that are not adequately reflected in other translations. This is precisely where “The Scriptures - 2009 Edition (ISR)” comes into the picture. This edition of the Scriptures, while attempting to be an accurate translation, seeks at the same time to introduce the reader to something of the Hebraic mindset and culture which are very much a part of the original.

Indeed, we see this is as absolutely necessary for the serious student of Scripture. The events of Scripture did not occur in the modern western world, with its Anglo-Hellenist mindset, but within the very different world of the ancient middle-east, and the Semitic mindset of the People of Yisra’ĕl. While we have sought to accurately translate rather than to interpret, aiming at producing a literal translation rather than a paraphrase, we have tried to provide the student of Scripture with a tool which in some way helps him or her to “experience” the Scriptures as Semitic rather than Hellenistic.

In so doing we have taken much further the work of the 1993 and 1998 editions of the ISR “Scriptures” toward this end. As in the earlier editions, our aims have included: “A translation of the Scriptures which:.

restores the Name of the Almighty to its rightful place in the text (see THE RESTORATION OF THE NAME, below). Is recognisably Messianic in that it affirms the Hebraic roots of the Messianic belief by its appearance, by the use of Hebraic forms of certain words and titles, and by its usage of the same division of the pre-Messianic books of Scripture (the Tanaḵ Or “Old Testament”) that was current at the time of our Messiah. Restores the meaning to so many words which have become popular to use, but do not accurately reflect the meaning of the original - for example, church, glory, holy, sacrifice, soul, etc. Seeks to be as far as possible a “literal” translation, wherever possible rendering key words uniformly (exceptions being noted in footnotes or the Explanatory Notes).” To this may be added:. the further restoration of the Semitic form of the names of the books of Scripture. The rendering of words such as Hades (a Greek term, loaded with pagan connotations, variously rendered by different translators as “pit”, “grave”, and “hell”) by their Hebrew or Aramaic equivalent instead, such as She’ol. The deletion of notes, footnotes and explanatory notes of a doctrinal nature, other than those ‘doctrinal agendas’ expressed in this Preface.

The addition of notes, footnotes, and/or explanatory notes which may be more useful to students of Scripture, in equipping them for their studies, rather than in doing studies for them. Highlighting by means of bold typeface those passages in the Second Writings (also known as Netzarim Writings, haBrit haḤadasha, New Testament, etc.), which quote allusions from the Tanaḵ (also known as the Old Testament). THE ORDER AND TITLES OF THE BOOKS In accordance with our aim to affirm the Hebraic roots of our Belief we have:. transliterated the names of the books of the Tanaḵ (Old Testament), and where appropriate have done the same in the Second Writings (Messianic Writings, New Testament). For your convenience the traditional English names of the books may be found facing the Hebraic form at the top of each page. They are also together with the transliterated forms in the Table of Contents.

Followed the traditional Hebraic order of the Tanaḵ, (Torah, Neḇi’im, Kethuḇim). The Tanaḵ ( Torah, Neḇi’im, Kethuḇim) First, The Torah - Law We have rendered it by the Hebrew word itself, Torah, i.e. The five books of Mosheh (Moses), also known as the Ḥumash, or (The Pentateuch), Law or Teaching. They consist of the following 5 books: Berĕshith (Genesis) Shemoth (Exodus) Wayyiqra (Leviticus) Bemiḏbar (Numbers) Deḇarim (Deuteronomy) Then, The Neḇi’im - Prophets These books are known as The Prophets, not because of the element of prediction (a considerable amount of their content is historical rather than predictive!), but because of being written by prophets.

They are divided into two categories, the Former Prophets, and the Latter Prophets, referring to their time of writing. The Latter Prophets were further divided into Major Prophets, and Minor Prophets (known as Shnĕm Asar, i.e. Please note that we have restored the book of Dani’ĕl to its rightful place among the Prophets., as also did Josephus. We have placed it between Yeḥezqĕl / Ezekiel (the third of the Latter Prophets), and Shnĕm Asar / The Twelve (the fourth of the Latter Prophets), instead of including it among The Kethuḇim (Writings), as is usually done.

They consist of the following 9 books, i.e.

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Church Directory Are you looking for a good, Bible-believing church? Search this Church Directory found on to find a good church near you. The directory contains churches in all 50 states in the USA and in many countries throughout the world. Our Mission The purpose of this Web site is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and magnify the words of God. We seek to maintain a vast storehouse of sound, Bible-believing, information for those seeking the truth, the newly saved, and those who have been instructed in the word of God.

This Web site contains hundreds and hundreds of articles, books, biographies, podcasts, audio messages, music files, and a church directory. With Charles E. Fuller and the beautiful music of pianist Rudy Atwood and the Quartet and Choir.

Now enjoy a total of 86 MP3 broadcasts and learn about this wonderful ministry that aired internationally from 1937 to 1968. Now offered at a better quality mp3 bit rate. Podcast: Refresh your browser for another of the 126 cartoons to view all 66 U.S. Abell cartoons to view all 45 E. Pace cartoons to view all 101 Charles Ramsay cartoons Featured Files Online Ministries Important Reading Food for Thought All charts and images found within the bound copy of Dispensational Truth are included. To our knowledge this is the first complete and freely available digital edition of this valuable work. Courtesy of from various sources.

This riddle is answered only with one Bible word. Solve the riddle, if you can. By Kyle Stephens.

An excerpt of a new excellent book that answers the question of how the King James Bible resolves the ambiguity of the original languages. This 813-page work is available in and on as a. One of the most flagrant sins which scripture has marked out, is the 'evil servant,' saying 'in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming.' By William W. Two preachers of peace are seeking to gain the attention of the children of men. Both are in earnest, and in each case the preaching is intended to produce eternal results. The reality of God's wrath is just as Scriptural and true as God's love.

If you were to tell us your most prized experience in life, what would you say? A collection of 20 inspirational messages by the great Bible teacher and evangelist, R.A.

Torrey (1856-1928). By Missionary W. McConnell, Costa Rica. Written in 1904 in response to the darkness of those living in the shadow of Romanism in Central America. A monthly periodical that documented the great missionary outreach of the late 1800's and early 1900's.

Contains numerous articles and news items of inspirational and historical value. This PDF file is 6.6 MB's in size, 81 full-sized pages, and is printable.

This is the original publication of the Moody Bible Institute before it became the Moody Monthly. This publication contains numerous articles, news items, and interesting advertisements. Contains an extensive report on the Welsh Revival. This PDF file is 4 MB's in size, 52 full-sized pages, and is printable. Read how evangelical Christians in the early 1900's lived, practiced, and believed.

See what issues concerned them. This PDF file is 4.9 MB's in size, 44 full-sized pages, and is printable. By Solomon B. A compilation of several hundred authentic accounts of the death-bed utterances of saints and sinners. To view the 6 PDF files, each approximately 1.7 MB's in size, totaling 312 pages in all, and very printable.

By William Biederwolf. Originally called, 'Russellism Unveiled' after their founder, Charles T. A booklet that investigates the historical origins, teachings, and practices, of this cult in light of the Bible. This PDF file is 1.1 MB's in size, 34 pages, and is printable. A booklet that traces the beginnings of this movement started by William Miller and his followers.

Also, it discusses many of their doctrines in light of Holy Scripture. This PDF file is 1.3 MB's in size, 33 pages, and is printable. By Charles G.

A word of encouragement to the believers who have fallen into the 'slough of despond.' By Charles A. Blanchard, past president of Wheaton College. A warning to avoid entanglements with secret societies such as the Lodge. An address given on August 7, 1895.

By Pastor Ho Soo Kam. The starting point of all doctrinal studies must be the Bible is the word of God.

By Pastor Ho Soo Kam. The scripture reveals God to us as one who exists eternally in unity as three 'persons.' By Pastor Ho Soo Kam. A justified person is one who is free from any charge of guilt, and therefore has a right standing before God. Written in 1836 and found in an old publication called, 'The Anti-Slavery Record.'

A thorough and provocative article to counter a commonly held view of Scripture, namely, that the Bible sanctions modern-day slavery. This PDF file is 3.9 MB's in size and is printable. By Charles Eikenberg.

The Deity And The Sword Torrent

A simple illustration from a loving father for an important truth found in Scripture. By Harry Monroe, past Superintendent of the Pacific Garden Mission. Sound advice from one of Church History's greatest soul-winners. More Food for Thought An excellent daily devotional & Bible reading schedule published bi-monthly. Written by Bible-believers for the benefit and edification of all believers. You can order a subscription using the online in pdf. By Richard Bennett.

The deity and the sword book

A three-part expose of this very popular post-modern belief system infecting evangelicalism and even some Bible-believing churches. Find out why this ecumenical movement is so appealing and deceptive.

The Lord Jesus Christ is often considered as a preacher, a teacher, a personal worker, or as a healer. Among all the various callings which may be attributed to Him, that of the missionary stands out pre-eminent. By Terry Watkins. The Da Vinci Code is the most blatant mainstream attack on the Lord Jesus Christ in modern times! Nothing comes close. It openly attacks the deity of Jesus Christ and the Word of God. At the same time, it praises the New Age and Symbols of Satanism.

One line in the Da Vinci Code says, '. Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false.' (Da Vinci Code, p. 235) Don't be fooled by the 'fiction' disguise, this is a serious attack on the Lord Jesus Christ! By Jim Tetlow, Roger Oakland, Brad Myers.

The Marian Apparitions plan to unite all religions under the Roman Catholic Church. Mary.Millions of Catholics travel to shrines to pray before her image. But what is not commonly known is that Muslims also hold her in high regard, and even among Hindus and Buddhists there is worship of goddesses that bear a striking resemblance to the Catholic Mary. Read chapter one of this new book. By Evangelist Joseph T. What makes this article amazing is that it was written in 1933. What was remarkably true many years ago still applies to our present day and age.

By Frederick R. Every time the Jews, God's chosen people, are persecuted and oppressed, serious ramifications result. This article gives an excellent overview of anti-Semetism from a Biblical and historical perspective.

David Walker. Read the 1st chapter - a comprehensive and thorough yet easy-to-understand guide to the great Biblical theme of Dispensational Truth. This book contains 408 pages with names, subject, and verse indexes; 16 illustrations and charts; over 1600 verses referenced; over 70 bibliography entries and over 400 footnotes of documentation.

Read the 1st chapter from the mass distribution booklet extolling the spiritual heritage of America, what happened to our country, and what we can do about it. By Terry Watkins.

Is God sending America a message? What events coincide with America's major disasters? By Terry Watkins. Joel's appearance on Larry King on June 20, 2005 raised many questions about Joel Osteen. Read the facts and you decide: True or False?

By Terry Watkins. Who claims 50 times more lives than all the illegal drugs combined? Who costs the American people 130 billion dollars every year to mop up it's blood-bath of human slaughter?

Who destroys 1 in every 4 families in America? Who kills over 200,000 Americans each year? How important is Bible study for a man's spiritual life?

An excerpt from a much larger reference work. Questions addressed in the introduction: Who was King James, How did we get the King James Bible, and Are there problems with the King James Bible? An excerpt of a much larger work that explains the reason for our existence? Written in a down-to-earth style, and packed with cartoon illustrations by Jack Chick, Daniels shows that the Bibles Rome gave us are really clever counterfeits, designed to eliminate God's preserved words in English, the KJV. You will see why the KJV is the only Bible you can trust. A monthly chronicle of church, evangelistic, mission, philanthropic and individual work first published December 1881.

Fascinating historical reading from the 'Philadelphian Church Age.' 'Record of Christian Work' originally called 'Evangelistic Record.' PDF facsimile copies from hard-to-find microfiche. Quality of copies vary but are usually readable and printable, especially later issues after 1881 - about 3 to 4.5 MB's each issue. By Richard Bennett, former Roman Catholic priest.

This riddle is answered only with one Bible word. Solve the riddle, if you can. Alban Douglas.

The first lesson of 100 lessons found in the excellent 304-page book, '100 Bible Lessons: God's Answers to Man's Questions.' Alban Douglas. An excerpt found in the appendix of the excellent 304-page book, '100 Bible Lessons: God's Answers to Man's Questions.

Deluded partakers of alcoholic beverages need to beware. By Jeff McArdle. Learn why the 1865 Spanish Bible is the most trustworthy. Includes a comparison of 10 scripture verses. A thorough critique of various Bible publishers who have changed the text of the King James Bible. The article contains an excellent checklist for those wishing to purchase a faithful KJV. See if your Bible has been changed.

The most current research on word counts, stats, and analysis of the middle words of the KJV. The seven English versions that make the English Bibles up to and including the Authorized Version fit the description in Psalm 12:6. By Terry Watkins. A popular teen study bible is exposed for its ungodliness.

By Clarence Larkin. The first chapter (with charts) of the 328 page work, 'Rightly Dividing the Word.' Larkin's excellent dispensational writings have influenced millions to understand the important doctrine of 'rightly dividing the word of truth.' By Clarence Larkin. A very helpful booklet to provide tools for those who desire to live for the Lord and serve Him.

Written in a easy-to-understand style, and packed with cartoon illustrations by Jack Chick, Daniels shows how a Babylonian goddess became Virgin Mary of Roman Catholicism. This is an excerpt from the 1st chapter, including the cartoon illustrations by Jack Chick. By Marcus Rainsford. This book is written to help believers in Jesus Christ to understand and appreciate our positional and practical relationship with our Saviour and Lord. Four of twenty chapters added with more to come. The Doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ's return prior to His thousand-year Milliennial Reign is not only scriptural but an ancient belief that was held by the overwhelming majority of notables of Church History.

Contained within the article is a list of names who believed in Premillennialism throughout church history.

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